Damp control blog → Salts on the wall? Here’s how to solve it.

Salts on the wall
Salts on the wall

Salts on the wall? Here’s how to solve it.

Salts on walls is a common problem in newly built houses. Often, a few months after the construction of these houses, salts develop in the wall. This stain can be recognised by its white colour, which manifests itself on the outer wall due to excessive moisture which can be caused by rising damp or penetrating damp. If you are suffering from salts on the wall, there is no need to panic, SmartDry® has the ideal solution for this problem. However, you should be immediately concerned when you see salts appearing on the wall.

Causes of salt deposits on the wall.

Salt deposits can originate from building materials or from the soil. When there is damp on your walls the salts will pull together and appear on your walls as the moisture attempts to escape, leaving behind salt deposits. There are various special agents that you can use to remove the salts on the wall, for example by means of low pressure. However, to prevent the salts from returning, it is important to call in a good damp control expert who will offer a long-term solution.

Damp problems in your house?

Can I prevent salts on the wall?

You can do some things to avoid salts on the wall, although it may be difficult to keep the walls from coming into contact with rain or hail. By avoiding excessive contact with water while working on the bricks of the house, you can help reduce the risk of developing salts on the wall. You can do this in a simple way: by covering the bricks and the masonry.

Damp problems from the outside wall to the inside wall.

You can be sure that a damp problem exists when there are salt deposits on the wall; it is also very possible that this damp problem can extend to the inner wall. One way that this can occur is through penetrating damp, when water migrates via the cracked outer wall to the inner walls. Penetrating damp can be identified by dark dirty stains on the inner walls and sometimes the plaster or paint can also come loose. It is important to treat the cracks or damp problems found on the outer wall quickly to prevent water penetrating to the inner wall.

Call in a damp specialist immediately.

Do you see white salt deposits on the wall of your house? Then our damp experts can come to your aid! If you put off doing this for a long time, it could end up seriously damaging the house and incurring higher costs. SmartDry® offers a permanent damp control method, using only the natural flow of air. Lifelong and sustainable! For more information, request a free damp assessment and we will be happy to come and visit you for professional advice!

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